Highlights of the Likos group
- 2024-12-11: Chara Alexiou has obtained an Elise-Richter-Fellowship of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). Congratulations, Chara!
- 2024-06-25: Publication "Adsorption characteristics of Janus tadpole polymers" by Benedikt Vitecek, Christos N. Likos, and Ioana C. Gârlea featured on the AIP Publishing Showcase on KUDOS.
- 2024-05-24: Christos Likos and Jan Smrek among the coauthors of a recent review paper on the interplay of topology, flow, and thermal fluctuations, published in leading Physics journal Physics Reports.
- 2024-04-02: Editor’s Suggestion for the paper "Effects of linking topology on the shear response of connected ring polymers: Catenanes and bonded rings flow differently" by Reyhaneh A. Farimani, Zahra Ahmadian Dehaghani, Christos N. Likos, and Mohammad Reza Ejtehadi in Physical Review Letters.
- 2024-03-04: Vittoria Sposini has been awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships to be carried out at the University of Padova (Italy). Congratulations, Vittoria!
- 2024-01-23: Editor’s Suggestion for the paper "Colloidal gelation induced by ring polymers" by Esmaeel Moghimi, Iurii Chubak, Maria Kaliva, Parvin Kiany, Taihyun Chang, Junyoung Ahn, Nikolaos Patelis, Georgios Sakellariou, Sergei A. Egorov, Dimitris Vlassopoulos, and Christos N. Likos in Physical Review Research.
- 2024-01-09: Press Report of the University of Vienna on the work of Nataša Adžić, Clemens Jochum, Christos N. Likos, and Emmanuel Stiakakis on " Engineering Ultrasoft Interactions in Stiff All-DNA Dendrimers by Site-Specific Control of Scaffold Flexibility " The work has been published in the journal "Small", and it underlines the importance of collaboration between experiment and theory in unlocking the secrets and discovering the potential of soft materials at the nanoscale.
- 2023-10-25: Press report in "Rudolphina – Research Magazine of the University of Vienna" on the work of Jan Smrek on "Cluster Formation in Solutions of Polyelectrolyte Rings" published in "ACS Nano".
- 2023-09-23: Editor’s Pick for the paper "Multi-Particle Collision Dynamics for a coarse-grained model of soft colloids applied to ring polymers" by L. Sappl, C. Likos and A. Zöttl in The Journal of Chemical Physics.
- 2022-12-19: Quantum and Classical Ultrasoft Matter: The new Doctoral Network QLUSTER explores the parallels of ultrasoft interactions between classical soft matter and quantum matter. The Faculty of Physics of the University of Vienna is participating through the group of Prof. Christos Likos, at the Computational and Soft Matter Physics Subunit.
- 2022-12-07: Dr. Andreas Zöttl, Privatdoz has awarded his Habilitation Degree on "Theoretical and Computational Physics" Congratulations, Andreas!
- 2021-12-10: Iurii Chubak has been awarded the Hans Thirring Prize of the Faculty of Physics for the Best Dissertation of the Academic Year 2020-21. Congratulations, Iurii!
- 2021-12-09: Cluster crystals have been discovered experimentally, ending a quest of more than 20 years after their theoretical prediction.
- 2021-11-10: Vittoria Sposini has been aared the Marthe Vogt Award of the Forschungsverbund Berlin for her outstanding Doctoral Thesis. Congratulations, Vittoria!
- 2021-11-01: Chara Alexiou from the University of Patras has obtained a Lise-Meitner-Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) to work in the group on topics related to the Physics of the kinetoplast. Congratulations, Chara!
- 2020-11-27: Ph.D. Defense with highest marks for the freshly anointed Dr. Jaramillo-Cano. Congratulations, Diego!
- 2020-11-25: Zahra Ahmadian Dehaghani, who spent one year with us working on topological polymers, has successfully defended der Ph.D. Thesis under the supervision of Mohammad Reza Ejtehadi at the Sharif University of Technology in Teheran, Iran. Congratulations, Dr. Ahmadian, congratulations, Zahra!
- 2020-11-24: The article Dynamical Properties of Concentrated Suspensions of Block Copolymer Stars in Shear Flow has been featured at the cover of the November 24, 2020 issue of Macromolecules.
- 2020-11-13: Vittoria Sposini from Potsdam University has obtained a highly competitive three-year REWIRE Fellowship to work in the group on topics related to slow dynamics and anomalous diffusion. Congratulations, Vittoria!
- 2020-11-06: Ph.D. Defense with highest marks for the freshly anointed Dr. Chubak. Congratulations, Iurii!
- 2020-11-03: Experimental confirmation of the vorticity swelling phenomenon predicted theoretically in earlier work by Maximilian Liebetreu, Marisoll Ripoll and Christos Likos. See the news item of the Faculty of Physics and the press release of the University of Vienna.
- 2020-10-23: Ph.D. Defense with highest marks for the freshly anointed Dr. Liebetreu. Congratulations, Max!
- 2020-10-16: Vittoria Sposini from Potsdam University has obtained a Lise-Meitner-Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) to work in the group on topics related to slow dynamics and anomalous diffusion. Congratulations, Vittoria!
- 2020-10-15: Prof. Likos has been elected to the Editorial Board of the Journal of Colloid and Interface Science Open, published by Elsevier
- 2020-10-13: The Award of Excellence 2020 of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education and Research has been bestowed to Dr. Lisa B. Weiss for her outstanding Doctoral Dissertation in 2019. Congratulations, Lisa!
- 2020-07-14: Press report of the University of Vienna on the work of Emanuele Locatelli on "Designer protein assemblies with tunable phase diagrams in living cells" published in "Nature Chemical Biology"
- 2020-02-04: Press report of the University of Vienna on the work of Maximilian Liebetreu and Christos N. Likos on "Hydrodynamic Inflation of Ring Polymers under Shear" published in "Communications Materials"
- 2020-01-08: Press report of the University of Vienna on the work of Jan Smrek, Iurii Chubak, Christos N. Likos and Kurt Kremer on "Active topological glass" published in "Nature Communications"
- 2019-10-07: Ph.D. Defense with highest marks for the freshly anointed Dr. Weiss. Congratulations, Lisa!
- 2019-06-07: Press report of the University of Vienna on the work of Lisa Weiss, Mattia Marenda, Cristian Micheletti, and Christos N. Likos on "Hydrodynamics and Filtering of Knotted Ring Polymers in Nanochannels" published in "Marcomolecules".
- 2018-11-01: Dr. Jan Smrek has obtained a Lise-Meitner-Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) to work in the group on topics related to the dynamics of active ring polymer melts. Congratulations, Jan!
- 2018-10-19: Press report of the University of Vienna on the work of Clemens Jochum, Nataša Adžić, Emmanuel Stiakakis, Thomas L. Derrien, Dan Luo, Gerhard Kahl, and Christos N. Likos on Structure and stimuli-responsiveness of all-DNA dendrimers: theory and experiment published recently in Nanoscale.
Also published as online article at "derstandard.at" and at science.orf.at.
- 2018-03-26: Press report of the University of Vienna on the work of Maximilian Liebetreu, Marisol Ripoll und Christos N. Likos Trefoil Knot Hydrodynamic Delocalization on Sheared Ring Polymers published in "ACS Macro Letters 2018".
- 2017-12-08: Online article at "derstandard.at" about the work of Lisa B. Weiss, Arash Nikoubashman and Christos N. Likos on Topology-Sensitive Microfluidic Filter for Polymers of Varying Stiffness published in ACS Macro Letters.
- 2017-12-06: Press report of the University of Vienna on the work of Lisa B. Weiss, Arash Nikoubashman and Christos N. Likos on Topology-Sensitive Microfluidic Filter for Polymers of Varying Stiffness published recently in ACS Macro Letters.
- 2017-10-19: Prestigious uni:docs 2017 Fellowship for Maximilian Liebetreu
Max will study the "Influence of Polymer Topology on Polymer Rheology" under the supervision of Christos Likos. In 2017, Max presented the results of his master thesis "Conformations and dynamics of polymers of different topologies under shear" supervised by Christos Likos at the "DPG Spring Meeting" (Dresden, Germany) and the international conference "Liquids" (Ljubljana, Slovenia) uni:docs fellowship programme
- 2017-03-12: Graduation "Promotio sub auspiciis praesidentis rei publicae" for Dr. Peter Poier, PhD-student supervised by Prof. Christos Likos.
- 2017-01-18: Press report of the University of Vienna on the new Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Training Network NanoTRANS, which involves ten universities and research organizations, as well as two industrial companies across Europe. The principal inestigator of the sub-project "Transport of ring polymers in microfluidic channels" is Christos Likos from the Faculty of Physics, Lisa Weiß is Early Stage Researcher and goes towards a doctoral degree (PhD).
- 2016-08-19:
Proceedings of the 193th Enrico Fermi School published
The Proceedings of the prestigious Enrico Fermi Course on Soft-Matter Self-Assembly have just been published by the Italian Physical Society. The School was funded by the EU-Network COLLDENSE, which is coordinated by Sofia Kantorovich of the Faculty of Physics, and co-organized by Christos Likos together with Francesco Sciortino and Emanuela Zaccarelli (Rome), and Primoz Ziherl (Ljubljana).
- 2016-06-01:"Erwin-Schrödinger Society (ESG) for Nanosciences-Prize" for Dr. Lorenzo Rovigatti
During the 2nd Erwin Schrödinger Symposium 2016, organised by the Erwin Schrödinger Society for Nanosciences, Dr. Lorenzo Rovigatti, Lise Meitner Fellow at the Faculty of Physics, was awarded the 2016 ESG-Nano Prize. He received the award for his publication: L. Rovigatti, B. Capone, and C. N. Likos, Soft self-assembled nanoparticles with temperature-dependent properties published recently in "Nanoscale" on the cover page.
- 2016-05-30: Press report of the University of Vienna on the work of Nathan A. Mahynski, Lorenzo Rovigatti, Christos N. Likos, and Athanassios Z. Panagiotopoulos Bottom-Up Colloidal Crystal Assembly with a Twist published recently in "ACS-Nano". The project was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) through the Lise-Meitner Fellowship
- 2016-05-12: On the cover page of the May 28, 2016 issue of the Journal of Chemical Physics the article "Thermodynamic stability and structural properties of cluster crystals formed by amphiphilic dendrimers" by Dominic Lenz, Bianca Mladek, Christos Likos and Ronald Blaak is featured, in which microscopically resolved computer simulations of cluster-forming dendrimers have been performed. The article offers a detailed analysis of the structure and thermodynamics of the sought-after phase of cluster crystals.
- January 2016:
"Sofronios-Elias Papadopoulos" Prize of the National Technical University of Athens for Prof. Christos Likos
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Christos N. Likos has been awarded the newly-established "Sofronios-Elias Papadopoulos" prize of the Department of Physics, in the School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences of the National Technical University of Athens. In celebration of the 15th anniversary of the foundation of the School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Prof. Christos Likos has been selected as the inaugural awardee of this prize, which honors the memory of a great colleague and teacher. The prize recognizes the impact of Prof. Likos' continuous scientific research efforts, as well as his devotion and commitment to academic excellence in the field of Condensed Matter Physics. The open ceremony was held on Friday the 4th of December 2015 at the National Technical University of Athens.
- 2015-07-20: Press report of the University of Vienna on the work of S. Gupta, M. Camargo, J. Stellbrink, J. Allgaier, A. Radulescu, P. Lindner, E. Zaccarelli, C. N. Likos and D. Richter Dynamic Phase Diagram of Soft Nano Colloids published recently in Nanoscale.
- 2014-12-28: The scientific journal Soft Matter has highlighted the research of the Likos Group (Arturo Narros, Christos N. Likos, Angel J. Moreno, and Barbara Capone) on Multi-blob coarse graining for ring polymer solutions as one of the 2014 Hot Papers. It was also chosen for the December cover of the journal.
- 2014-07-16: The scientific journal “ACS Macro Letters” has published the research of a group of young researchers around Prof. Likos (Mohammed Zakaria Slimani, Petra Bacova, Marco Bernabei, Arturo Narros, Christos N. Likos, and Angel J. Moreno) on Cluster Glasses of Semiflexible Ring Polymers. It was also chosen for the July cover of the journal.
- 2014-06-02: Press report of the University of Vienna on the work of Emanuela Bianchi, Christos N. Likos und Gerhard Kahl about Tunable Assembly of Heterogeneously Charged Colloids published recently in "Nano Letters".
- January 2014:
Dr. Lorenzo Rovigatti has obtained a Lise-Meitner-Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) to work in the group on topics related to self-assembly and dynamics of soft patchy colloids. Congratulations, Lorenzo!
- December 2013:
APART grant of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) for Dr. Barbara Capone
Creating novel building blocks, which allow for an easy and large scale fabrication of complex materials, is a central goal in material science. Barbara Capone will investigate how to induce and control the crystallization process of Telechelic Star Polymers.
- 2013-07-19:
Proceedings of the 184th Course of the Enrico Fermi Summer School
The Proceedings of the highly prestigious Enrico Fermi Summer School on Physics of Complex Colloids have just been published by the Italian Physical Society. The book consists of 14 extended chapters, written by leading experts who have been lecturers of the Summer School, and it offers an in-depth coverage of modern topics in Soft Matter Science, ranging from synthesis and experiments to theory and simulation. The Summer School has taken place in Varenna, Italy, July 3-13, 2012, and it has been organized by the ITN-COMPLOIDS.
- 2013-02-21:
Prediction of cascade of isostructural critical points confirmed
Theoretical work by Tim Neuhaus and Christos Likos published in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, and highlighted as Lab Talk there, has put forward the prediction of the existence of an infinity of critical points, in which cascades of isostructural fcc-fcc transitions terminate, for a generic class of models of cluster-forming crystals. Recently simulation work by Nigel Wilding and Peter Sollich, published in Europhysics Letters, has fully confirmed this conjecture. Hereby, a novel type of low-temperature phase behavior of crystals has been discovered, which is characteristic for a broad class of physically realizable model systems.
- 2013-02-08:
Work on microfluidics featured at the cover of Soft Matter
The flow of colloidal particles in structured microchannels is a topic bearing both fundamental interest and impact on many modern microfluidic applications. Recent work by Arash Nikoubashman and Gerhard Kahl (TU Wien) in collaboration with Christos Likos has shed light into the flow patterns of colloidal transport through structured channels, and it has been featured in the cover page of the prestigious Journal "Soft Matter". ⇒article
- 2013-01-17: Press report of the University of Vienna on the work of Barbara Capone, Ivan Coluzza, Ronald Blaak, Christos Likos, and Federica Lo Verso (University of Mainz) "Telechelic star polymers as self-assembling units from the molecular to the macroscopic scale" published recently in Physical Review Letters.
- 2013-01-07: Nature article highlights Viennese research
Physicists around Christos Likos published in December 2012 an article in Physical Review Letters, in which a new form of self-assembly of soft matter has been demonstrated. The work has been highlighted in a Nature article.
- 2012-10-24: Press report of the University of Vienna on the work of Richard Matthews and Christos Likos, "Influence of fluctuating membranes on self-assembly of patchy colloids" published in Physical Review Letters. See also the corresponding newspaper article in the daily Der Standard of Oct. 26, 2012.
- 2011-10-05: Dr. Richard Matthews has obtained a Lise-Meitner-Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). Congratulations, Richard!
- 2011-09-01: Christos Likos has been elected to serve as Associate Editor of Soft Matter.
- 2011-08-08: Press report of the Unversity of Vienna on the article Cluster Crystals under Shear by Arash Nikoubashman, Gerhard Kahl and Christos Likos, published in Physical Review Letters. See also the corresponding press release of the Vienna University of Technology.
- 2011-07-28: Press report of the Vienna University of Technology on the article Patchy colloids: state of the art and perspectives by Emanuela Bianchi, Ronald Blaak and Christos Likos, published in PCCP.
- 2011-07-05: CECAM-Workshop on Coarse-Graining for Polymers and Biomolecules, ENS Lyon, July 5 - 8, 2011, organized by Barbara Capone, Christos Likos (University of Vienna), Jean-Pierre Hansen (University of Cambridge), and Vincent Krakoviack (ENS Lyon). Launching Event of the CFCAM-RA Node of CECAM.
- 2011-06-02: The article: Phonon dispersion of cluster crystals [Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23, 234112 (2011)] is highlighted as a Lab Talk on the Journal's website.
- 2011-06-01: Press report of the University of Vienna on recent work published in Physical Review Letters, in collaboration with colleagues from Jülich, Rome, and Grenoble. See also the corresponding press release of the Jülich Research Center in German, as well as the English version of the same.
- 2011-03-31: Inaugural Lecture of Prof. Likos at the University of Vienna.
- 2010-08-08: An interview of Prof. Likos with the Greek daily Kathimerini (you must know Greek to read this).
- 2010-08-03: Press release of the American Institute of Physics on the work Flow-induced polymer translocation through narrow and patterned channels by Arash Nikoubashman and Christos Likos. The article is featured also at the cover page of the issue and it has free access to all readers.
- 2010-07-26: Prof. Likos has been elected to serve a three-year term at the Editorial Board of Soft Matter.
- 2010-07-02: The article: The effects of pH, salt and bond stiffness on charged dendrimers [Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22, 232101 (2010)] is highlighted as a Lab Talk on the Journal's website.
- 2010-04-28: Prof. Likos has been elected to the five-member Scientific Advisory Committee of the EU-wide Soft Matter Infrastructure Initiative EFAST, coordinated by Prof. Jan Dhont (Jülich Research Center).
- 2010-02-04: Press release of the University of Vienna on the new European network COMPLOIDS.