Showing entries 341 - 360 out of 610
Mahynski, NA, Rovigatti, L, Likos, CN & Panagiotopoulos, AZ 2016, 'Bottom-Up Colloidal Crystal Assembly with a Twist', ACS Nano, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 5459-5467.
Cerdà, JJ, Sánchez, PA, Lüsebrink, D, Kantorovich, S & Sintes, T 2016, 'Flexible magnetic filaments under the influence of external magnetic fields in the limit of infinite dilution', Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 18, no. 18, pp. 12616-12625.
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Rovigatti, L, Capone, B & Likos, C 2016, 'Soft self-assembled nanoparticles with temperature dependent properties', Nanoscale, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 3288 – 3295.
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Poier, P, Bacova, P, Moreno, AJ, Likos, CN & Blaak, R 2016, 'Anisotropic effective interactions and stack formation in mixtures of semiflexible ring polymers', Soft Matter, vol. 12, no. 21, pp. 4805-4820.
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Poier, P, Egorov, SA, Likos, CN & Blaak, R 2016, 'Concentration-induced planar-to-homeotropic anchoring transition of stiff ring polymers on hard walls', Soft Matter, vol. 12, no. 38, pp. 7983-7994.
Likos, CN 2016, Depletion interactions on soft colloids: Glass formation, melting and demixing. in P Ziherl, CN Likos, E Zaccarelli, F Sciortino & P Ziherl (eds), Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi". IOS Press, Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi", vol. 193, pp. 57-80, International School of Physics Enrico Fermi, Italy, 29/06/15.
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Kantorovich, SS & Ivanov, AO 2016, The influence of self-assembly on the magnetic response of dipolar soft systems. in P Ziherl, CN Likos, E Zaccarelli, F Sciortino & P Ziherl (eds), Soft Matter Self-Assembly. IOS Press, Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi", vol. 193, pp. 137-163, International School of Physics Enrico Fermi, Italy, 29/06/15.
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Nikoubashman, A, Mahynski, NA, Capone, B, Panagiotopoulos, AZ & Likos, CN 2015, 'Coarse-graining and phase behavior of model star polymer-colloid mixtures in solvents of varying quality', Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 143, no. 24, 243108.
Showing entries 341 - 360 out of 610