Core-shell nanogels: the effects of morphology, electro- and magnetostatic interactions

Alla B. Dobroserdova, Elena S. Minina, Pedro A. Sánchez, Christos N. Likos, Sofia S. Kantorovich

We study the influence of core-shell morphology on the structural characteristics of nanogels. Using computer simulations, we examine three different types of systems, distinguished by their intermonomer interactions: those with excluded volume only; those with charged monomers and excluded volume; and those with excluded volume combined with a certain number of magnetised nanoparticles incorporated within the nanogel. We observe that if the polymers in the shell are short and dense, they tend to penetrate the core. This effect of backfolding is enhanced in charged nanogels, regardless of whether all monomers are charged, or only the core or shell ones. The presence of an experimentally available amount of magnetic nanoparticles in a gel, on the one hand, does not lead to any significant morphological changes. On the other hand, the morphology of the nanogel with magnetic particles has an impact on its magnetic susceptibility. Particular growth of the magnetic response is observed if a long shell of a nanogel is functionalised.

Computational and Soft Matter Physics
External organisation(s)
Ural Federal University
Soft Matter
Publication date
Peer reviewed
Austrian Fields of Science 2012
103015 Condensed matter
ASJC Scopus subject areas
Chemistry(all), Condensed Matter Physics
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