Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 623
Pineda, SP, Blanco, PM, Staňo, R & Košovan, P 2025, 'Patchy Charge Distribution Affects the pH in Protein Solutions during Dialysis', Langmuir, vol. 41, no. 8, pp. 5387–5398.
Jochum, C, Adžić, N, Stiakakis, E, Kahl, G & Likos, CN 2025, 'Self-organisation of planar and tripod-shaped DNA stars confined to the water–air interface', Molecular Physics.
Pyanzina, ES, Novak, EV, Kuznetsov, AA & Kantorovich, SS 2025, 'Dynamic magnetic response of multicore particles: The role of grain magnetic anisotropy and intergrain interactions', Journal of Molecular Liquids, vol. 421, 126842.
Gorfer, A, Abart, R & Dellago, C 2025, 'Mechanism and kinetics of sodium diffusion in Na-feldspar from neural network based atomistic simulations', Acta Materialia, vol. 286, 120657.
Reich, M, Colla, T & Likos, CN 2025, 'Structural transitions of ionic microgel solutions driven by circularly polarized electric fields', Soft Matter, vol. 21, no. 8, pp. 1516-1528.
Kývala, L, Montero de Hijes, P & Dellago, C 2025, 'Unsupervised identification of crystal defects from atomistic potential descriptors', npj Computational Materials, vol. 11, no. 1, 50.,
Romano, S, Montero de Hijes, P, Meier, M, Kresse, G, Franchini, C & Dellago, C 2025, 'Structure and Dynamics of the Magnetite(001)/Water Interface from Molecular Dynamics Simulations Based on a Neural Network Potential', Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 1951-1960.,
Brizioli, M, Escobedo-Sánchez, MA, McCall, PM, Roichman, Y, Trappe, V, Gardel, ML, Egelhaaf, SU, Giavazzi, F & Cerbino, R 2025, 'One- and two-particle microrheology of soft materials based on optical-flow image analysis', Soft Matter, vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 1373-1381.
Mostarac, D, Kuznetsov, AA, Helbig, S, Abert, C, Sánchez, PA, Suess, D & Kantorovich, SS 2025, 'Thermal Stoner-Wohlfarth model for magnetodynamics of single domain nanoparticles: Implementation and validation', Physical Review B, vol. 111, no. 1, 014438.,
Sappl, L, Likos, CN & Zöttl, A 2024, 'Polymer Thermophoresis by Mesoscale Simulations', Macromolecules, vol. 57, no. 24, pp. 11534–11549.
Cerbino, R & Giavazzi, F 2024, Quantitative Microscopy of Active Colloids. in W Wang, J Simmchen & W Uspal (eds), Active Colloids: From Fundamentals to Frontiers. Royal Society of Chemistry, Soft Matter Series, pp. 32-63.
Speckmann, C, Angeletti, A, Kývala, L, Lamprecht, D, Herterich, F, Mangler, C, Filipovic, L, Dellago, C, Franchini, C & Kotakoski, J 2024, 'Electron-Beam-Induced Adatom-Vacancy-Complexes in Mono- and Bilayer Phosphorene', Advanced Materials Interfaces.,
Cerbino, R 2024, From Real to Reciprocal Space: Scattering Information from Real Space Images. in P Lindner & J Oberdisse (eds), Neutrons, X-rays, and Light: Scattering Methods Applied to Soft Condensed Matter. 2 edn, Elsevier, pp. 615-647.
Novikau, IS, Novak, EV & Kantorovich, SS 2024, 'The impact of cross-linker distribution on magnetic nanogels: encapsulation, transport and controlled release of the tracer', Soft Matter, vol. 20, no. 44, pp. 8765-8774.
de Jager, M, Vega, C, Montero de Hijes, P, Smallenburg, F & Filion, L 2024, 'Statistical mechanics of crystal nuclei of hard spheres', Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 161, no. 18, 184501.,
Huang, X, Wen, X, Likos, CN, Wang, D, He, L, Li, H & Li, R 2024, 'Influence of the rigidity of the backbone and arms on the dynamical and conformational properties of the comb polymer in shear flow', Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 161, no. 15, 154902.
Montero de Hijes, P, Dellago, C, Jinnouchi, R & Kresse, G 2024, 'Density isobar of water and melting temperature of ice: Assessing common density functionals', Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 161, no. 13, 131102 .
Jena, J, Koraltan, S, Bruckner, F, Holst, K, Tangi, M, Abert, C, Felser, C, Suess, D & Parkin, SSP 2024, 'Topological Phase Transformation and Collapse Dynamics of Spin Textures in a Non-Centrosymmetric D2d System', Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 34, no. 40, 2403358.
Koraltan, S, Schultheiss, K, Bruckner, F, Weigand, M, Abert, C, Suess, D & Wintz, S 2024, 'Steerable current-driven emission of spin waves in magnetic vortex pairs', Science Advances, vol. 10, no. 39, eado8635.
Guidolin, C, Rio, E, Cerbino, R, Giavazzi, F & Salonen, A 2024, 'Matrix Viscoelasticity Decouples Bubble Growth and Mobility in Coarsening Foams', Physical Review Letters, vol. 133, no. 8, 088202.