About us

The Computational and Soft Matter Physics Group develops and uses modern computational, experimental and theoretical tools to study a broad range of condensed matter systems with emphasis on the statistical mechanics of equilibrium and non-equilibrium processes. Research topics of current interest include soft matter, nanoparticles, phase transitions, biological matter, magnetism and magnetic soft matter, glasses, chaotic dynamics, as well as hydrodynamics of colloids and swimmers.



Researchers from Vienna, Crete and Cali show how to steer the rheology of soft mixtures. | New paper in "Journal of Chemical Physics".


Ivonne Elizabeth Ventura Rosales, doctoral student at the Group of Computational and Soft Matter Physics, Spanish native speaker, presents the Faculty...


While DNA is often idealised as the "molecule of life", it is also a highly sophisticated polymer that can be used for next-generation materials....


Rare transitions between long-lived metastable states are at heart of many processes in nature and technology. Researchers from the Faculty of Physics...


Das Coronavirus bedeckt sich mit beweglichen Ketten aus Zuckermolekülen, und macht es Antikörpern schwer, es zu blockieren. Zum Glück hat dieser...


We are delighted to welcome to our Group Roberto Cerbino, who joins us from the University of Milan as new Professor of Experimental Soft Matter...