About us

The Computational and Soft Matter Physics Group develops and uses modern computational, experimental and theoretical tools to study a broad range of condensed matter systems with emphasis on the statistical mechanics of equilibrium and non-equilibrium processes. Research topics of current interest include soft matter, nanoparticles, phase transitions, biological matter, magnetism and magnetic soft matter, glasses, chaotic dynamics, as well as hydrodynamics of colloids and swimmers.



A recent article in the journal “Small” shows how control over the flexibility of articulation points in dendritic DNA constructs alters the structure...


Eine internationale Kollaboration angeführt von Andreas Zöttl von der Universität Wien zeigte wie sich Mikroteilchen aus dem 3D-Drucker in...


A research team at the University of Vienna tries to unravel the physical principles behind ring-shaped polymers. These fascinating natural structures...


The Royal Society of Chemistry awarded a fellowship to Prof. Cerbino, who also assumed the position of Associate Editor at the journal Soft Matter,...


EuroCC Austria ist ein auf europäischer und nationaler Ebene finanziertes Projekt, dessen Ziel der Aufbau eines nationalen Kompetenzzentrums...


In their publication, the three researchers from the Faculty of Physics show how to efficiently and accurately implement hydrodynamic interactions for...