About us

The Computational and Soft Matter Physics Group develops and uses modern computational, experimental and theoretical tools to study a broad range of condensed matter systems with emphasis on the statistical mechanics of equilibrium and non-equilibrium processes. Research topics of current interest include soft matter, nanoparticles, phase transitions, biological matter, magnetism and magnetic soft matter, glasses, chaotic dynamics, as well as hydrodynamics of colloids and swimmers.



Knoten begegnen uns täglich im Alltag. In der Natur finden sich Knoten regelmäßig auf Polymeren, also auf chemischen Verbindungen, die aus Ketten oder...


Physicists have developed a reliable strategy to separate chemically identical macromolecules that differ only in their shape


Experiments with levitated nanoparticles reveal role of friction at the nanoscale


At the Faculty of Physics we welcome Maximilian Liebetreu (Computational Physics) and Gregor Leuthner (Physics of Nanostructured Materials) as...


The 2017 joint EMLG/JMLG meeting will be hosted by the University of Vienna, and will take place from the 10th to 14th of September 2017.


Contrarily to what is often believed, the kinetic part of the stress tensor can contribute to the surface tension of a liquid.