About us

The Computational and Soft Matter Physics Group develops and uses modern computational, experimental and theoretical tools to study a broad range of condensed matter systems with emphasis on the statistical mechanics of equilibrium and non-equilibrium processes. Research topics of current interest include soft matter, nanoparticles, phase transitions, biological matter, magnetism and magnetic soft matter, glasses, chaotic dynamics, as well as hydrodynamics of colloids and swimmers.



The StatPhys29 Satellite workshop "StatPoly: Statistical Mechanics of Polymers and Biopolymers" will take place in Venice on July 20-23, 2025.


The work of Lisa Sappl, Christos Likos and Andreas Zöttl has been featured at the cover of “Macromolecules”


Investigating topologically linked DNA rings by computer simulation.


Christoph Dellago erzählt im Interview über die Revolution, die Machine Learning in Wissenschaft und Industrie gerade auslöst.


Publication of the Computational and Soft Matter Group mentioned in the press release for the Physics Nobel Prize 2024!


Master's thesis topic: Magnetoactive Polymers

Supervisors: Lucio Isa (ETH), Jan Smrek/Christos Likos (Uni Vienna)