EuroCC Austria ist ein auf europäischer und nationaler Ebene finanziertes Projekt, dessen Ziel der Aufbau eines nationalen Kompetenzzentrums...
In their publication, the three researchers from the Faculty of Physics show how to efficiently and accurately implement hydrodynamic interactions for...
In ihrem Beitrag in 'Der Standard' berichtet Sofia Kantorovich (Computational and Soft Matter Physics) über magnetische Nanopartikel.
A new machine-guided path sampling algorithm learns the mechanism of molecular self-organization.
In a paper that has just appeared in Nature...
The Computational and Soft Matter Physics Subunit congratulates DI Dr. Andreas Zöttl, Privatdoz who has been awarded his Habilitation Degree on...
In the EU-funded project FORGREENSOFT, a team from Greek, German and Austrian institutions will explore the importance of promoting research in...