"Erwin-Schrödinger Society (ESG) for Nanosciences-Prize" for Dr. Lorenzo Rovigatti


During the 2nd Erwin Schrödinger Symposium 2016, organised by the Erwin Schrödinger Society for Nanosciences, Dr. Lorenzo Rovigatti, Lise Meitner Fellow at the Faculty of Physics, was awarded the 2016 ESG-Nano Prize.

He received the award for his publication:
L. Rovigatti, B. Capone, and C. N. Likos, Soft self-assembled nanoparticles with temperature-dependent properties, Nanoscale 8, 3288 (2016).

The Computational Physics Group congratulates Lorenzo on this distinction!

> Short description of Rovigatti´s work

Prof. Wolfgang Kautek (left), President of the ESG, presenting Dr. Rovigatti (right) with the prize at the ESG Symposium.