ECAM State-of-the Art Workshop: Large scale activated event simulations


October 01, 2018 - October 03, 2018, CECAM-AT, Erwin Schrödinger Institute, University of Vienna

The central goal of this workshop is to review new algorithmic developments that address the computational challenges of large scale rare event simulations with a particular emphasis on implications for industrial applications. The workshop aims at identifying software modules that should be developed to make efficient and scalable algorithms available to the academic and industrial community. To establish the needs of the community and lay out possible directions for development, the workshop brings together a diverse group of people including software developers, users of HPC infrastructure and industrial researchers.


Christoph Dellago, University of Vienna, Austria

Peter Bolhuis, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Gerhard Kahl, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

For more details see CECAM and ESI.