

While DNA is often idealised as the "molecule of life", it is also a highly sophisticated polymer that can be used for next-generation materials....


Rare transitions between long-lived metastable states are at heart of many processes in nature and technology. Researchers from the Faculty of Physics...


Das Coronavirus bedeckt sich mit beweglichen Ketten aus Zuckermolekülen, und macht es Antikörpern schwer, es zu blockieren. Zum Glück hat dieser...


We are delighted to welcome to our Group Roberto Cerbino, who joins us from the University of Milan as new Professor of Experimental Soft Matter...


Der FWF fördert den SFB "Taming Complexity in Materials Modeling", mit Beteiligung von insgesamt 9 Forschungsgruppen der TU Wien und der Universität...


The E-CAM issue of Comics&Science, produced by the EU-funded Center of Excellence E-CAM in collaboration with CECAM and the magazine Comics&Science,...