ESG Nano-Prize for Dr. Emanuele Locatelli


Emanuele Locatelli (Computational Physics Group) has been awarded the Erwin-Schrödinger-Gesellschaft Nano-Prize 2018 for his work on DNA Nanostars.

He received the award for his publication:

E. Locatelli, P. H. Handle, C. N. Likos, F. Sciortino,  and L. Rovigatti, "Condensation and Demixing in Solutions of DNA Nanostars and Their Mixtures", ACS Nano 11, 2094 (2017). DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b08287

The Computational Physics Group congratulates Emanuele Locatelli on this distinction!

> ESG Nano Prize

Simulation snapshot of a binary mixture of DNA nanostars.